
Blast From the Past: Easter and Spring Projects

Hello everyone! First of all, I want to apologize for not posting lately. I can't believe it's been 1 1/2 months since my last post! Unfortunately, it will probably go on like this for a while still. I just don't have the time or the energy to think much blogging right now. I'm concentrating my efforts more towards finishing my master's, exercising and losing weight and feeling better and more motivated all around, and general housekeeping duties. I hope you will understand, and really I'm sure you will, we all go through this, right? That being said, I'm not officially going on hiatus or anything....
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Crochet Cluster Shell Lapghan

I finally decided to learn to crochet right in time for Christmas and Christmas present making! The project I'm sharing with you today is not the first crochet project I made, though, but the second. The first is not yet finished (it's the embroidery part that's left), but will be on the blog eventually. I made this crochet clustter shell afghan for my maternal grand-mother. Of course, she loved it, as well as just about everyone else in my family! Let's just say I'll be making some more afghan's this year. At least I have a tiny family, so that means just a couple more! I was going to...
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The Perfect Wallet: DIY Fabric Wallet

Just a quick note, if you make this wallet for yourself, or someone else, I'd love to see it! I'm going to add a collection of all other wallets made with this tutorial at the bottom of the post! If you don't have a blog, just send me a picture, link to contact me in left sidebar <--- I've been on a quest to find the perfect wallet for quite some time now, and I think I might have found it!! Of course, I had to make it myself, but that just makes it all that more special ;) I've only tried a few wallets in my lifetime, and they've all come with their faults. The one I had for the longest...
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