
First feature!!

Today marks a special day in Color Me Domestic history. I've been featured on The Creative Paige!! *does the happy dance* My first feature! Not only was I among the top 3 links clicked, but I was THE most clicked link!! I am truly honored!


Ok so here's how I found out, if you're interested. It was about 5 minutes before I was set to leave school for the gym. I was trying to waste time and perusing my blogger feed, saw The Creative Genius was up, and decided to look if there were any awesome Valentine's project made this week. When I started scrolling and saw a glimpse of my Magnetic Pin Dish, I quickly scrolled more and saw that I was in the top 3!! Woot woot!! I really did not expect to continue scrolling and see that I was #1. But I was, and I was speechless. Really? Really?! That means I'm the Creative Genius of the week and my button is displayed in her sidebar!

There's me in the left hand side bar!

So like any award, there are people I need to thank. First, Sawdust and Paper Scraps for the idea for the magnetic pin holder, I'm really just a copy cat, without her idea I never would've made this. Second, my dad for helping me with the project and supplying his muscles to remove the cap off the Krylon spray paint (seriously, those things are HARD to open!!) and his garage. Third, my grand-ma, who gave me a reason to make the dish. And finally, all of YOU who came to visit me!!

I'm also getting a lot pins for this on Pinterest, and some Pinterest traffic, which makes everything that much sweeter :) I am officially on the map lol

I have a feeling this is gonna be a great year! I've got a lot of project ideas, I'm just short on materials and opportunity to grab them, time and space. A lot of them, or well the bigger ones, involve woodworking (my primary crafting medium because of my dad's influence), which I can only do when I go to my parents'. So we'll see how things go.

Now I'm off to make a new section in my sidebar: Featured! And also will be working on getting my Projects page up and running while I don't have a ton a projects to organize on there; I see some people clicking there but know there is nothing to see :( That will change soon :)

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