I was tagged by Allison at Polka Dots and Paisley a few weeks ago but hadn't gotten to responding, yet. Sorry about that. FYI, we disconnected our internet at home since March 1st (will not be getting into it, it just had to be done), so I've only had internet at school for the last few weeks, and no extra time to do this thing.
And this is great because I haven't shared many personal posts on my blog yet, though I do try to insert tidbits about me in every post.
1. You must post the rules.
2. Answer the 11 question that the tagger posted for you, and then create 11 questions to ask the people you've tagged.
3. Tag 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Let them know you have tagged them
Here are Allison's questions with my answers:
1. Let’s start with an easy one… What’s your favorite colour?
ORANGE! But if you read my Drawer Tower Cart Slipcover, you already knew that ;)

2. What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
The last book(s) I read were the Hunger Games trilogy. Yes, I would recommend them, I've already lent them to 2 co-workers :) Spreading the love. I'm kinda still engrossed in it with the movie coming out, and have not been able to start a new book since, which was mid-January...

3. What’s the favorite craft or project you’ve ever made?
My handpainted chandelier in my kitchen. It was one of my first ones, and not perfect by a LONG shot, but I love it so much! Looking back, I kinda want to retake the pictures. I think my picture taking skills have vastly improved since and do not do it justice!

4. If you could only make one type of craft for the rest of your life, what would you make?
Can I say wood crafts? As in anything to do with wood. I still need fabric and scrapbook paper, ribbon too, to embelish, so it kinda encompasses everything. Most of my original ideas are wood crafts, you can make SO much with wood!! And it's probably because I get my crafty gene from my dad who's a really good carpenter (as in, he built our house, from scratch, and no I'm not kidding, will write about that and all the awesomness that my dad has built one day! Like maybe Father's day)

5. How has your blog changed since you first started? Is there anything about it you wish you had done differently?
Pictures are better as I mentioned. I made a custom made blog design. Ummm.... Apart from that it's growing slowly, because I can't put enough time into it. I'm still learning as I'm going, and am not expecting it to grow that much sicne I know I would have to put so much more time into it for it to grow more/ more quickly. But I'm still quite happy with it. Sometimes I wish I had waited a bit because I know I'm making so many mistakes and I started not really knowing a lot about crafting, this blog was to help me with that, but at the same time I'm ok with that, with my blog growing slowly as I improve.
6. What are your thoughts on things like this blog tag?
I think it's great for little blogs, to share the personal side (like me). I usually do not like chain letters or anything like that and don't participate, but again thought it would be a good opportunity to share a bit more about me :) I dunno, but for big blogs it might not fit in well, and some might consider it spam. That is my opinion...
7. Morning person or night owl?
More a morning person, not at all night owl (as in past 11pm I'm no longer functional, no matter the circumstances), but it's still not super early morning. I suppose I am most of the time the first one in the lab in the morning... And it's always when I feel the most productive.
8. Is there anything you hate? If so, what is it?
Hate is a big word. Hmmm... I dunno? Oh, wait, I often hate bad drivers. I learned how to drive from my dad, too, and he's not a very patient driver, so neither am I. Other than while driving, I'm actually a pretty patient person.
9. What’s your favorite food?
Chocolate. It's one of the few things that I do not think I could live without.
10. If you had one day left to live, what would you do?
Not go to work! lol ummm... spend it with my bf and my family. And hope that it's a beautiful warm sunny day, it would totally suck to have your last day on earth to be a rainy miserable one.
11. Why do you suppose there are 11 questions on this quiz? Why not 10… or 12?
Why not? Rhetorical questions don't count? Well, I have many hypothesis. 1) to make us talk. 2) because the original maker of this tag thingy thought of 11 questions and then had a writer's block. Ok that's all I got really lol
Alright so MY 11 questions are:
1. What is a typical day like for you?
2. What has been the hardest part of starting/having a blog for you?
3. What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
4. How do you drink your coffee?
5. How is the weather today where you live, and where DO you live (if you don't mind saying)?
6. What is your favorite punctuation, the one you abuse too much but can't stop? (parenthesis, semi-colon, 3 dots, exclamation, uppercase, whatever!)
7. Which is your favorite holiday and why?
8. Which is your favorite type of flower?
9. What is the trait which you admire the most in other people?
10. If you could change 1 thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
11. Why do you blog?
I've decided to tag some people who are following me to get to know them/you a little better! So I'm tagging:
Stacie @ Create Your Decor
Michelle @ My Analog Life
Meg @ The Nutmeg Place
Lauren @ Be Sweetly Inspired
Jessica @ The Landladies Diaries
Leah @ L3 Designs
Susan @ SusanD1408 Crochet Addict
Bree @ Cheeky Mom Knits and Things
Tori @ Oh Craft!
Sarah @ Sarah's World
Amber @ Amber Tackles
Now if you don't want to do this and you were tagged, no worries, this is just for fun, so if it's no fun for you then that goes against the whole point. If you want to do it but have not been tagged, then by all means go for it! Don't let that stop you. If you don't have a blog and want to answer, you can do so in the comments. I just really want to get to know my followers better!

I party at these partiesIf you would like to invite me to your linky party, please do so on my linkies page, thank you!
I love the chandelier on the wall! Sooooo cute. What a neat idea!
ReplyDeleteOk I posted mine- it will be up at 9:30am eastern- I didn't tag anyone else because I just did a tag party last week and am worried my friends will think I'm a spammy spam a lot. :)
ReplyDeleteHey Gen. I just posted mine. I also think I fixed the non-reply blogger thing. Thanks for the tip on that!
ReplyDeleteOrange is a good color!!
ReplyDeleteI think this is my first visit to your blog, please stop by and say hello at my blog as well at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com and become a follower if you aren't one already.
Happy Thursday!! :0)
Hey Im so sorry I did not realize I was tagged here, how do you tag?
ReplyDeleteThanks for thinking of me and I will add the questions to my blog today!