<a href="http://colormedomestic.blogspot.ca/2012/09/31-days-greener-living.html" target="_blank"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEje-ZOHvQt28M1otfAz5pahyab4qKdh4_EiGho9H0qbrprF_c2JguNkNaJXB8VNqPHrgsSaFMotQyDV1-wsv-cBe_bnm-e2Lbx0VuocuECCtkw0fJf8lj0eRarZenRLFuvCMXp9_YExJlY/s450/button02-450.png" width="150"></a>
It's not too late to pitch-in! There's more information about what I'm looking for from YOU in this post (at the end). I would really appreciate having your input!!
So here's a little bit of what you can expect in the next 31 days: lots of ideas and inspiration!, tutorials, guest posts, testimonials, recipes, saving money, crafts and DIY, organization, and lots more!!
Oh wait, I'm missing a very important one: linky parties!! Yeah!! Cuz I want to see how YOU live a greener more sustainable life :)
Mark your calendars for October 16th, which will be a linky party about reusing materials to make arts, crafts and DIY projects. And then on the last day, October 31st (aka Halloween), there'll be a second linky party and you can link up any post pertaining to green living!
<a href="http://colormedomestic.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjHBSA0ldqausSKTW7HzvJCiDZXK6cSV_-4OPA5JIrRzmR-9qvFxVaXr6gCuUsfqV4ilTktvTkQm7j6iRXxlEl-MM4EuwU8pqxBsSEOjyepKBKPVJoFuKEdwWROOmtUj0doAKe4qCvCoIQ/s450/green%2520arts%2520linky%2520button%25202.png" width="150"></a> | <a href="http://colormedomestic.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgrJFpjmj298Ywm_SWMmdzXGck70ZBajJSHcPT49SE10Ko7aehzD-vpHwg43e55GaLI4OWe4XW4pwo6EeHDO5_M6zKQjoKnWHS4ZS_BUybx2R7NeXDsxIna6i1g0i7SE_nCgPSd8XVcTYY/s450/green%2520linky%2520button%2520copy.png" width="150"></a> |
I'm also opening the invitation to anyone who would like to co-host with me!! I would love to spread the word even more :) Just email me (<-- clicking opens in your desktop email client, or right click and copy) with subject "green linky co-hosting" and I'll add you to the list and send you the code the day before. For any non-bloggers, if you'd like to share your creations made with recycled materials, just email me a picture and I'll make a special picture list just for you guys. It was brought to my attention a while ago that you non-bloggers are always left out at linky parties, but this is a special themed linky party and I want to include everyone! You can send me your pictures any time starting now :)
Alright, so this is the master list for the series, I'll keep adding the new posts here as I go, so you can reference this post later on, or share this post with others, sound good? I might also post the title for the next day, so you get an idea of what's to come. I'll be adding a link to this post on all future series post so you can find your way around easily.
Must be on blog to see the list. Hover over image for more detailed description.
For my blogger friends, I would SO appreciate if you would mention my series on your blog, and/or maybe put the button up? Thanks a bunch if you do!!
I must say I'm a little nervous, about actually posting every single day for the next 31 days... I've been working really hard the last couple of weeks getting everything organized! Though I'm not where I wanted to be :( I think that will be the key to me sticking to it. The calendar is all set-up, all my ideas are there, some of my posts are written, so hopefully I'll be able to keep up.
Oh, and I must say, if you expect that because I'm gonna be writing a blog post every day that they are gonna be short and sweet, well sorry to disappoint, but that's not really how I roll. There is just WAY too much information for me to do short and sweet; it will be sweet though! Are you ready for the ride?!
Don't want to miss a post in this series? Consider susbscribing (GFC widget in right sidebar) :