
The Beginning and all its optimism

I've recently just moved to a new apartment, and it kinda is my first real apartment. Emphasis on MY, my name was not on the lease for the last one, and the one before I wasn't paying rent. Sooo, now this place really feels like MINE! Well, my bf's too. But you know being the girl, I'm the one who wants to decorate, he's just content having white walls. Men.

I've been researching decorations and have run across a slew of wonderful blogs of women (sorry, haven't seen any men's blog) who are very crafty and handy, which has really inspired me to do the same. That is, be crafty, and while I'm at it start a blog to document my craftyness, which will probably mostly just be copied off others because, to be honest, I'm not that imaginative :(

I've already got a few projects lined up!

1) Chandelier decal

I REALLY want to do this, but I haven't approved it by my bf yet (might do it without asking, cuz I don't want him to say no). Since I don't want to spend 40-50 bucks on a decal, I thought I'd paint it instead. I've googled chandelier decals and have come across many different ones. I think I finally have a favorite! This one at Wall's Tale. For some reason I cannot get the actual image to post here... I've even tried to see what it would look like in my kitchen!

Now remove the black parts and make it less... pasted on top, and that's what it would look like! I know I want it white like this for the best contrast, but not sure exactly about the size yet. 

Also, I have to try and make it as symmetrical as I can, because I am going to be drawing it by hand. I thought I'd draw half of it on a poster from the dollar store, hollow it out (not sure how to describe it) and then paint over the poster. Then would just need to flip it vertically and do the other half. I hope that will work! 

Don't know when I'll actually get to that though. I've got to repaint before- there are some nicks in the paint, that don't show too much here. The previous tenant was nice enough to leave the left over paint for touch-ups!

2) Paint

I also want to repaint the bedroom at some spots. I have no idea what happened, but it looks, to me, as though someone threw up on the wall. We've tried washing it off with no success. I don't know if the pictures will show off very well, I've tried cercling those spots.

With the glare of the lamp in the 2nd picture, it really shows (not in the picture though)!! And it bugs me every time I light my lamp. I have to check how much paint there is left though. I'd have 2 half walls to make, and then some more touch ups at an other spot.

I want to paint the bathroom and living room as well. All in due time...

3) Sunburst mirror

Pretty straightforward, it's this:

Tutorial from Wonderfully Domestic. Not too sure on the color yet, but I like this color. Think I'd put it in the hallway. We'll see. Might also test out to see if I could add some beads to it, to make it glimmer a little more.

4) Stone Placemat

Dunno why it's called placemat, it's more a planter coaster. But this at Bliss Bloom Blog:

I think it's just too cute!! And I now have a few big plant pots, so this would be perfect!

So those are the few projects that I've found in the last week of blog hunting, well those that are actually somewhat feasible for me. I don't have much materials (or like any, not even a  hot glue gun, which I must procur!!), so for now they must be quite simple.

I will keep perusing blogs and the like for more ideas, and let you know when I actually start any of these projects. I'm thinking if I write a blog (would also help to have actual followers) I might be more enticed to do these.

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